March 2017 - Arden Medical Centre uses the clinical system 'SystmOne' which is managed by TPP. Following recent press releases about SystmOne data sharing (eDSM).
Arden currently has eDSM switched on but has a local policy & default position that no patient data recorded at the practice is shared with other SystmOne users but that we can view data recorded by other organisations (unless patients have requested to change their preference)
Patients can change this preference at anytime by completing the form at the bottom of this page
If you have questions, please contact the Practice Manager on 01564 739194
Data sharing – confidentiality
There are strict laws and regulations to ensure that your health records are kept confidential and can only be accessed by health professionals directly involved in your care.
There are a number of different laws that relate to health records. The two most important laws are:
- Data Protection Act (1998), and
- Human Rights Act (1998).
Under the terms of the Data Protection Act (1998), organisations such as the NHS must ensure that any personal information it gathers in the course of its work is:
- Only used for the stated purpose of gathering the information (which in this case would be to ensure that you receive a good standard of healthcare), and
- Kept secure.
The Human Rights Act (1998) also states that everyone has the right to have their private life respected. This includes the right to keep your health records confidential.
Data sharing – overview
Health records play an important role in modern healthcare. They have two main functions, which are described as either primary or secondary.
The primary function of healthcare records is to record important clinical information, which may need to be accessed by the healthcare professionals involved in your care.
The secondary function of healthcare records is they can be used to improve public health and the services provided by the NHS, such as treatments for cancer or diabetes.
Health records can also be used:
- to determine how well a particular hospital or specialist unit is performing,
- to track the spread of, or risk factors for, a particular disease and
- In clinical research, to determine whether certain treatments are more effective than others.
When health records are used in this way, your personal details are not given to the people who are carrying out the research. Only the relevant clinical data is given, for example the number of people who were admitted to hospital every year due to a heart attack.
NHS Data Sharing Agreements
The NHS is currently making some important changes to how it will store and use health records over the next few years.
All patients are automatically OPTED IN to the data sharing areas detailed below.
Patients can choose to opt out of any of these (or all of them) at any time
Summary Care Record (SCR) – National project
SystmOne Data Sharing (DOCX, 27KB) – eDSM – National project – National project – National project
More details about how your data is used and protected is available from NHS UK
After reading the information about the Data Sharing Agreements you may wish to 'opt out' if you do not want your patient data used in any (or all) of the ways described.
Opting out
Forms are available to opt out of any (or all) data sharing agreements
Please note that a separate OPT OUT form must be completed for each data sharing agreement. Any patient data released before an opt out form is completed will not be recalled but the data frozen so it can no longer be used.
All opt out forms are available from the surgery or via the links below.
Summary Care Record Form
SystmOne Sharing Form (DOCX, 27KB) Form (DOCX, 24KB)